Friends of
The Friends of New Glarus Woods State Park promotes the use and improvement of the park through the following efforts:
Providing volunteer support for maintaining trails, planting prairies and other stewardship activities
Assisting the park with educational and community activities
Providing financial assistance for park projects and programs
[ Public Welcome ]
We typically meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 P.M.
If you are interested in attending a meeting drop us a note using the Contact tab above.
TREASURER- Jason Neton
TRUSTEE- Kevin Budsberg
We're always in need of volunteers to pitch in for our events.
Get involved today! >

The Friends of New Glarus Woods State Park warmly welcomes any and all who are interested in helping preserve and promote our area resource.
Memberships are valid for one year. Please select a membership level to join the Friends group or update your annual membership. Thank you!
Your gifts help us fund our efforts including the following:
Building new trails
Educational programming and special events
Thank you for investing in this local environmental cause.
*A donation to the Friends of New Glarus Woods State Park is eligible to receive a tax deduction.

How can we help? Drop us a line. We'd love to hear from you!
Friends of New Glarus Woods State Park, Inc.
119 7th Ave.
New Glarus, WI 53574
Bike Trails
The Friends of New Glarus Woods has worked with DNR staff on an 8.6 mile bike trail system that is designed for hiking and running while being optimized for mountain biking.
The completed one-mile segment is wide enough for adaptive bikes and can be used by hikers and regular mountain bikers. Future segments will be narrower.
The Friends of New Glarus Woods is excited to announce the latest addition to the Capital Off Road Pathfinders (CORP) trail network: New Glarus Woods State Park. The first one mile segment of trail has been completed and is open to ride! Here are the latest updates.
IMBA Trail Solutions has completed the design of the trail system. CORP will manage construction and maintenance. Friends of New Glarus Woods is championing the project.
Fundraising and construction will be take place in several phases. The project completion date will depend on funding and approvals.
The initial trail segment has been professionally built by Traction Trailworx. The remainder of the trail segments will be professionally built, with volunteer support.
Workdays and trail status will appear on https://madcitydirt.com
New Glarus NICA squad’s first practice on their own trails is planned for the 2024 season.
Fundraising is underway, kicked off with a $20,000 DNR Knowles-Nelson stewardship grant and $20,000 raised from New Glarus Woods trail runs. Other sponsors include Colony Brands Foundation, Dirty Dog Taphaus, The Schlecht Family Foundation, True Vetcare Clinic, L5 Racing. Grants and additional sponsors are being pursued at this time.
Area small business and individual donations are critical to making this project a reality. Please support our bringing mountain biking to New Glarus Woods State Park by going to https://madcitydirt.com/donate